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Transport - Mind the Funding Gap

The original regeneration plans included proposals for a pedestrianised ‘Civic Square’, which would span across the Northern roundabout connecting the two tube stations and prioritise pedestrians over cars.

gmj image –> parking for 678 cars wholly uneccessary and contrary to Transport Statement Part 1 of 8 - 15.1.2 The Development will provide a maximum of 616 car parking spaces. A maximum of 62 car parking spaces could be provided on street Plus the car parking on the Rodney road phase equals…=

In November 2009, TFL objected to Southwark’s Core Strategy on the grounds that it didn’t address the shortages in transport capacity at the tube station: “Our analysis of public transport facilities at Elephant & Castle has indicated that existing underground connections - particularly the Northern line - are deficient in terms of quality and capacity.”

Having carried out an analysis which found that capacity was already at breaking point and that any further capacity would require the installation of escalators and a new ticket hall, it urged the inspector to force Southwark Council to amend the Core Strategy to include the following: “This will comprise an improved Northern line station with a new ticket hall and escalators.” www.southwark.gov.uk/download/4755/cdair11_objector_ref_196_gla_tfl_matters_1_2_3_4

Southwark Council was forced to include the amendment and the clause was written into paragraph 4.28 in page 44 of the final adopted Core Strategy.

Cllr. Kim Humphreys - O&S Committee, 3 Nov 2008. The final major hurdle to signing the agreement is the cost of renovating the northern line underground station. We have worked very closely with Lendlease to negotiate with TfL over the finances of the project and are close to securing the final details.”

http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/Data/Overview%20&%20Scrutiny%20Committee/20090420/Agenda/Item%202%20Elephant%20and%20Castle%20Regeneration%20Update.pdf - TFL Cost 240million.

She went on the say that the tube station needs significant investment, around £200 million, and that will need to be realised from the Lend Lease agreement, TfL, Southwark and developers, however TfL has no spending set aside.

The Director of Borough Partnerships explained that that the present tube does just about cope, however extra development will tip it over the edge and there will be regular closures. A member asked who is responsible and the Director of Borough Partnerships explained that the law says that if a developer causes the burden then the responsibility lies with them.

http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgAi.aspx?ID=17350 http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=19103

the vision of a thriving commercial centre for South 6 Regeneration and Leisure Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Wednesday 8 February 2012 London that minimised its environmental impact should be a hub for cycling journeys for Southwark, Lambeth and beyond. Cyclists in South London from Greenwich to Tooting had been affected by having to traverse this junction and the Elephant and Castle was a mental and physical barrier which deterred cyclists.
There were many cyclists who used the Elephant and Castle each day and many stopped to use the facilities there. The group wanted to see a safe and pleasant orbital bypass, traffic free with links to segregated cycle lanes and quiet connections to residential streets. The group felt that it was possible to make the Elephant and Castle into a world class cycling network.

Further discussion is required regarding the existing off-carriageway cycle lane on New Kent Road.

As part of the proposed Cycle Superhighway 6 (Penge to the City), TfL has an aspiration to provide an eastern bypass of the northern roundabout, linking Walworth Road to New Kent Road. In order to be successful the route needs to be as direct and convenient as possible.

Transport Statement Part 1 of 8 - 6.8.2 Cycling: A route for the new cycle superhighway (CS6) is not intended to be provided through the proposed Development. At the heart of the Proposed development is the provision of a new Park, a place for people to visit and enjoy as a leisure activity. The Proposed development is therefore designed to support leisure cyclists rather than being used as a cycling commuter route through the development which may discourage less confident cyclists and conflict with pedestrian movement.

Members were largely in favour of the Southwark Cyclists proposal. They also expressed concerns about TfL’s aspirations for plans to create bus only streets.
This plan was not in accord with the views or wishes of local residents and commuters. Members wanted to see the Elephant and Castle plans containing more cycle and pedestrian provision and more consultation with local residents on how they would envision the re-development.
5.29 The group said that creating a northern peninsular road to stop traffic dominating the area and by placing a cycle bypass linking the Walworth Road and New Kent road would be the solution to curb the current high traffic in the area, which increased the related risks to cyclists and pedestrians.
5.30 Members also felt that the current lift arrangements at the Elephant and Castle tube station had been found inadequate and that more TfL money should be used to install escalators which were more reliable and had greater capacity to transport people to and from the platforms.
